3 Ground Rules for Beautiful Skin


Here are 3 very simple rules to keep your skin young and healthy. I follow these rules religiously and I am confident that if you do too, you will soon notice a big difference!


No lady should ever ever go to sleep with make up on. I don’t care how tired you are, you have to do it. Wiping it of with a wet wipe is not good enough! You have to wash it clean with water. You skin needs to rest and breathe free of make up & oils.


No fancy moisturizer will make a difference if you don’t hydrate from the inside. Get in the habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. My water intake is about 12-14 glasses a day. And when I say water,  I mean water, not an ice tea or a Diet Coke. We live very fast paced lives nowadays, it is so easy to forget to drink enough throughout a day, unless you carry a jug of water with you. I never leave the house without a bottle of water, I have one on stand by in my car, I start every meal with a glass of water. Hydrate your body and you will see the difference in your skin as well!


Hide your faces from the sun, ladies! Everyone knows that sun is a #1 cause of premature aging. But not everyone follows through with putting sun screen on their face every single day, not just when they go to the beach. I wear SPF 30 or higher even on a cloudy day. Sun activity is rising every year as the ozone layer gets thinner and thinner, so it’s up to us to protect ourselves, even if you think your skin is not prone to sun damage. Sun damage accumulates in your skin and often results in pigmentation and premature aging years later. There are so many great sun screen products suitable for every budget and t is very easy to find one that works for you.

In my future blog posts I will talk more about my skin cleansing regiment and my favorite sun screen products. Stay tuned!

You Are Beautiful!

I am a strong believer that every woman is beautiful! You just have to awaken your beauty from the inside and build you confidence!

I was born and raised in Russia, where the supply of good looking ladies is never short and it is really hard to stand out. I was no beauty queen growing up, in fact I was very far from being cute. Here is a picture from the wall of academic honor in my school. I was 13. Yes, boys made fun of me, girls did not want to be friends with me, I was very shy and insecure, I cried a lot …

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What changed? How did I go from being an ugly ducklin to gracing on the covers of magazines? The answer is by believing in myself, by letting go of my childhood insecurities and following my dreams. As a teenager I spent countless hours in front of the mirror, putting on make up and changing my hair color just to figure out what look would give me most confidence.

Now I am convinced, that if was able to have a modeling career in this life time, most of my readers can too!

I was never one of those girls that wake up naturally beautiful every morning. My “beauty” takes some work. I can’t just roll out of bed and go to a photo shoot, like some of my model friends do. To be completely honest I still don’t think much of the way I look, I just have a few beauty tricks up my sleeve, that bring out that beauty queen confidence in me.

That’s why I am starting this blog by saying to every single one of my readers: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Hold your head up high, because you are beautiful! Inspire and empower yourself because no one will do it for you! This is where it all starts, right here, right now. You are one of a kind and there is no other unique beauty like yourself in the entire world (unless you have an identical twin). You have to learn to love yourself and this is the very first rule of being and feeling beautiful.